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Bro, every time this dude makes a phone call with someone, it just gets freakier and- HOLY SHIT DON PARDO IS BACK!!
But yeah, this season has a few changes. First off, they brought the "LIVE FROM NEW YORK!" quote back. It felt nice to hear it again, I kid you not.
Another change was SNL Newsbreak being changed to Saturday Night News, along with a new anchor, Brad Hall. He's not that bad, very snappy delivery. Julia-Louis Dreyfus was also a cast member, she's not that bad either, but the acting was alright. I don't know about the other new cast members, I forgot. Overall, the episode was really good, loved every sketch.
Fun Fact:
This is the first time Queen has ever performed on American television.
Favorite Sketches:
Mr. T as Mister Robinson's neighbor is so random, I don't even know if I should laugh at it.
Bro, this season is going off to a great start. Loved almost every sketch.
It's crazy hearing the Palestine situation still being a problem back in the 80s.
Favorite Sketches:
Y'know how this guy reminds me of? That homeless guy from It's Always Sunny, but like, before he was homeless.
Favorite Sketches:
Nothing much happened... I liked the Men at Work performance.
Favorite Sketches:
Oh hey, Michael Palin... wait a minute, I HATE MICHAEL PALIN!
Not gonna lie, I forgot this was a halloween episode until 20 minutes in.
The Love Brothers are, so far, one of my favorite fictional duo's in Season 8.
Favorite Sketches:
Host really thinks he's the bad boy of Hollywoo- Wait, he was Little Mickey from the Little Rascals?
That Tyrone Goes Reggae sketch made me fall asleep... twice.
Favorite Sketches:
Why did they have to Ban Andy Kaufman bro, he literally said he was gonna quit wrestling.
Favorite Sketches:
"Parents, do you ever want to have the kind of kid my mother did? Of course not. Now you can give your family something mine never had: an only child."
This episode is funny, probably one of my favorite duo hosts so far.
Favorite Sketches:
I can tell a lot of the cast members got mad after that.
Favorite Sketches:
Oh shit, I haven't seen her since Season 2.
This episode wasn't bad, it just has that one good sketch that made me laugh out loud.
Favorite Sketches:
"Great, Mialansky jokes. I'm here with the mob and I'm the only Jew in the room."
Whiners coming back pissed me off a little bit. Actually this whole episode pisses me off, there's too many sketches.
Favorite Sketches:
Oh my god these Whiners are still alive.
Favorite Sketches: